Tonehammer Requiem Professional [KONTAKT] .rar
For a first impression, you can simply start a Kontakt project and sequencer using one of the pre-programmed demos, but I’m rather fond of the Crescendo Fantasy bit from Tom Thiel’s Keyshot Player. The demo is very playable and attractive from a purely MIDI point of view, but I believe you’d have fun listening to the Zealorock 1 solo from Peter Abbruzzese’s Zealorock II.
Never use a piano roll editor to lay out a score before starting a project. All the hard work is done digitally in Kontakt, so this means you can easily alter or modify the timing the way you want. When I started working on my son’s one-hit wonder band, (which I’ll be recording soon – keep an eye out for details), I thought it would be a good idea to help my jack-of-all-trade-types co-producer lay out the score with the phrase length and starting and ending note on the clip. I could just about make sense of what he was doing, but then I found out that he was using precisely 149 of them. Suffice to say that this is a bad idea for anyone, never mind someone who doesn’t know their stuff. Still, his method is only marginally easier to pull off than the one I used.
In the violin department alone, AV has more than 5,000 notes ranging from the tiny and low-pitched Es to the huge and high-pitched Gs. The library contains 1,000 different violins, from as light as an Airobic (38.
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