phpCodeBeautifier will provide developers with a tool to help them rapidly and easily format their PHP code in order to fit their preferences.
The application can help them easily improve the looks of their code with as little effort as possible, without needing to rewrite it again from scratch.
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– phpCodeBeautifier is an open source project for automatic PHP code formatting.
– It reads your code from the file, reformats it, and appends it to the file.
– That way, you can quickly browse your files without the need to search through the source code for a specific file.
– It also provides some code formatting options that are configurable through the settings file.
– The application is simple, easy-to-use, and quick.
– If you do not know any programming language, you can use it, and it is perfectly understandable.
– Thanks to the GitHub Integration, phpCodeBeautifier allows you to easily collaborate on your project with other people, no matter where they are, if they are online.
– In case of any problem, you can also view the list of error codes that appear during the execution of the application.
– phpCodeBeautifier is a great alternative for the PHP Formatting extension for Microsoft Visual Studio.
This extension enables you to quickly format code in a similar way to the one provided by this application.
– [Website](
– [GitHub](
– [Issue Tracker](
## Download
You can find the binaries at the [download page](
## Screenshot
## Supported Platforms
– Windows
– Linux
– Mac OS
– FreeBSD
## Requirements
– PHP 7.1.3 or greater
## Configuration
phpCodeBeautifier uses PHP to read and write code. By default, it expects files that contain PHP code to be located in the root directory of the project. This will be the source directory (src) that contains the files that make up the application.
The files that contain the PHP code can be located in any directory of the source code, and that can be separated by path prefixes, as follows:
$path = ‘/path/to/my/files/’;
$files = glob(“$path/*”);
This means
PhpCodeBeautifier Crack Free Download
– Automatically reformat code from your projects
– Supports HTML indentation: indent individual lines with spaces or tabs
– Supports PHP indentation: indent code using spaces or tabs (the default)
– Supports indentation with tabs in blocks
– Supports code completions: just hover your mouse on the code and click “completion”, it will give you all the code you need (even the use statements)
– Supports HTML formatting: with the support of PHP classes it will be possible to align different tags (such as tag or tag, align HTML tags and add classes and ID to each / tag, specify the width of the tags), you can even change the color of the code (use CSS)
– Supports XML formatting: in the list of available tags (when you click on a tag it will be shown in the bottom of the window), you can specify the type of formatting (code or block), remove the blank spaces, change the color of the lines, specify the width of the code and add classes and ID to each / tag
– Supports HTML formatting: with the support of PHP classes it will be possible to align different tags (such as tag or tag, align HTML tags and add classes and ID to each / tag, specify the width of the tags), you can even change the color of the code (use CSS)
– Supports XML formatting: in the list of available tags (when you click on a tag it will be shown in the bottom of the window), you can specify the type of formatting (code or block), remove the blank spaces, change the color of the lines, specify the width of the code and add classes and ID to each / tag
– Supports XML comments: add comments to the code and format them with the style you want (with the support of PHP classes it will be possible to align different tags (such as tag or tag, add classes and ID to each / tag, specify the width of the tags), you can even change the color of the code (use CSS)
– Supports HTML comments: add comments to the code and format them with the style you want (with the support of PHP classes it will be possible to align different tags (such as tag or tag, add classes and ID
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The application contains two main components:
The key-value-store as backend for storing user preferences.
An editor component which lets the user customize his preference settings to their liking.
The key-value-store
The key-value-store (KVS) is a framework that simplifies the storage and retrieval of settings from an XML-like file.
The KVS stores data in a special format of keys and values.
The user can configure the KVS with the names and values of these keys and values.
And that’s it!
The KVS will only store data in these formats:
string: Some text, “description”
integer: Integer, 2
boolean: Boolean, false, true
string: Some text, “description”
integer: Integer, 2
boolean: Boolean, false, true
The KVS comes in two flavours: a local, which stores data locally in a file on the system, and an online, which uses a restful service on a web server.
The KVS stores the default settings in a file on the system, which can be found at $HOME/.config/phpCodeBeautifier/settings.xml. This file is read at start-up.
The editor component
The editor component has a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user interface that lets the user customize his preferences.
He/she can customize the following items:
The size of the characters of the code:
Everything between the $ signs is interpreted as code. The size of the code that the user uses is handled with the “Formatting” button on the top of the editor window.
The indentation of the code:
The user can choose the number of spaces or tabs to indent the code with, in order to be consistent with his/her preferred coding style.
The line-wrapping of the code:
The user can choose the number of lines that will be displayed per page (maximum: 5000).
The position of the cursor in the code:
The user can choose the position of the cursor in the code. This will result in a line that will be marked on the side with a “dot” at the specified position.
The highlight of the code:
The user can choose the color of the background of the
What’s New In PhpCodeBeautifier?
PHPCodeBeautifier allows developers to easily format the code as they wish, so they can ensure it is easy to read, easy to maintain, and easy to use, thereby improving the quality of their code.
The following is a list of some of the features PHPCodeBeautifier offers:
– Automatically and easily format your code according to your preferences.
– Automatically and easily reformat the code as you type.
– Display the diffs of the reformatted code.
– Suggestions for modifying variables, methods, constants and so on.
– Save your current settings for later use, so that you can easily format the code back to the way you like it.
– Generate a “summary.txt” file that contains the list of changes you have made to your code.
– Customize the way formatting is applied to the code, according to your personal preference.
– Very small in size and easy to use.
– Supports various languages including PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, C#, C++, Python, Ruby and so on.
All you have to do to use this application is to follow these simple instructions.
– Go to the official website (
– Download the installer.
## Requirements
System Requirements For PhpCodeBeautifier:
– Windows 7, 8, 10
– 512 MB RAM
– 70 MB available space
– Mac OS X 10.8.0 or higher
– 50 MB available space
– Linux
– NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT or higher (8500, 8400, 8200 recommended)
– AMD Radeon HD 5770 (3850, 3870 recommended)
– Intel HD 4000 or higher (Radeon HD 5000 or higher recommended)
– AMD Radeon HD 4770
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